Saturday, January 24, 2009
It's a cold and sunny Saturday and I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been reading this blog. It means a lot and I am so glad that friends and family have been checking this out. I know how much I enjoy checking other peoples blogs so I'm glad that mines being enjoyed. It feels so good to receive a message from somebody telling me they are reading the blog. It makes me feel connected to the peeps I love so thanks. 
Also, I know that nobody loves seeing pictures of Scout as much as I do, but the thing is, if she is not in the picture, than nobody would be in the picture. Since I am the one usually with the camera.
Justin and I moved out of his Moms office and into our new room on the top floor of the new house. The house is still under renovation so it is dusty, filled with boxes, construction tool, and unplugged appliances, but our room is done so the bed has been moved over there. Now, it is off on a run around Forest Park. St Louis has a urban park that is the second largest in the country...Portland, Oregons Forest Park being the largest. Becca and Erin keep talking about these epic trips to the Gorge they are going on and it pulls on my heartstrings. So much love and I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and warm.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Artistic Series with Uncooperative Sidekick
The middle picture makes me laugh every time I look at it. These pictures were taken out at Justins Dads house in rural Missouri. I walked down to the valley below his cabin and took these pictures. It was a beautiful, sunny, 46+ degrees day.
Now we are back in St Louis and Scout is in her safe zone under the desk while I write this. Tomorrow is class, a test and we are (hopefully) moving into the new room in the new house this weekend! Yes! I will unpack my bags! I am excited about mascara, face soap, my lotion, shoes, my robe and slippers. I have been living out of one backpack since leaving Portland and, all in all, I haven't missed many of my material things. Which is good given the situation.
Much Love and Goodnight
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Today was the frozen Buns Run and I ran into second place in the womens category. It felt good, sunny weather, I was actually really sweaty. In the second picture I am showing off my new trophy, and in the first I am posing next to one of the many ice sculptures on display at the ANNUAL ICE FESTIVAL YAHOO! This one was in front of a bookstore so it is about books. The rest of the day was spent peeling wall paper off our new room. And that was accomplished too! Yes! That was a bigger project than expected.
Much Love
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Important Paramedic Questions
Here are a list of questions I have now that I am in PARAMEDIC SCHOOL that I cannot find time to ask during class.
Can we talk more about Lactic Acid?
When we talk about Fight or Flight mode...and you say that in the flight mode your digestive tract shuts down and you won't excrete anything. Why do people have to take a dump when they get scared?
If medications are easily, and better, absorbed through the colon, does that mean that we may absorb our own poop particles as it sits in our small intestines?
Heroin and other IV drug users must be really good at starting IV lines and would do very well at finding veins on patients. I mean, they can find veins between toes!
Why don't we have shoot pressurized medication through the skin like the army does? Then we wouldn't have to bother with needles.
Can we talk more about Lactic Acid?
When we talk about Fight or Flight mode...and you say that in the flight mode your digestive tract shuts down and you won't excrete anything. Why do people have to take a dump when they get scared?
If medications are easily, and better, absorbed through the colon, does that mean that we may absorb our own poop particles as it sits in our small intestines?
Heroin and other IV drug users must be really good at starting IV lines and would do very well at finding veins on patients. I mean, they can find veins between toes!
Why don't we have shoot pressurized medication through the skin like the army does? Then we wouldn't have to bother with needles.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Back on Track
The Camera came in the mail and here are some of the first pictures. They are of the 5 dogs in the house. The first picture is Timber; mature, astute, camera shy. The second set is of Scout, Acaccia (Hot Pasta) and Maggie. Scout, barky, energy, loves sticks, Frisbee and will not let her owners out of eyesight. Acaccia; Skittish, loving, extreme overbite, big eyes and bat-like ears. Scout and Acaccia spend hours playing together. Maggie: mature, easy-going, loves runs, reminds me of Zoe. Mingus is pictured caught in the act of lounging on our bed. The dogs are constantly crawling up on the beds during the day to "relax" and must be pulled off. There is constantly someone or something that you can sing to and cuddle with.
Okay, another topic; School is going well. There are 24 students, 4 girls, we wear uniforms, start practicing giving intravenous practice tomorrow. Meaning we will be sticking each other with needles and practicing drawing blood. I don't like needles so I have been watching UTube videos to get ready. There are IVs stuck into your extremities, neck, and sometimes in your bone...hmmm I am not sure which ones we are doing.
I did well on the first quiz and it feels good to start off on a good foot. I just want to keep spending a lot of time studying and keep the focus on school...and the marathon in April. And also I signed up for a run this weekend. The Frozen Buns Run which is a 10k.
Hokay, I love you all and will write and post more photos manana! Good night
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's the morning and classes start tonight. I am savoring the feeling of having nothing hanging over my head. Not having the feeling that I SHOULD be studying, or homework...I am enjoying reading what I please, and just relaxing mentally. But I know a lot of friends who are also starting classes this week, and they understand exactly what I mean.
This week we have a free guest card to a really hoity-nice gym that not only has a great work-out facility, but saunas, hot tubs, steam rooms. When I am in there by myself I think of al the great steam-rooms and saunas I have taken with girlfriends.
There's a lot of moving going on and we spent eight hours hauling boxes yesterday. Right now, here is the living situation; there are five dogs in the house. Imagine what it is like while we are eating dinner. Under the table are five dogs silently smashed in and every once in a while surfacing to give you a heartfelt stare and beg for attention or maybe just a LITTLE bit of food. Then there are five adults in the house. Justins parents are in the process of moving to a new home, so the house is being slowly boxed up and moved to the new location 2 miles away...there is a lot to be done and it feels like I am earning my keep through helping the moving process.
I am excited to explore the trails and nature around St Louis.
I signed up for a 10k race on the 17th (birthday run for my DAD).
My bike is in the shop getting fixed up and new handlebar tape, silver.
I want to get my hair high-lighted so it looks like I spent the fall in Hawaii.
I miss you and love you all
Friday, January 2, 2009
YES! Wouldn't that have been just terrific if I hadn't. Wow, this whole thing would have been a flop so it's really nice to have that out of the way there was a celebratory run and then I spent an hour picking up dog poop. I am still super-positive about my decision to get Paramedic school and school starts Tuesday. We both ended up in the night class; 5:30-10:00pm Tuesday and Thursday. There is a policy that "acquaintances" cannot sit next to each other, or have the same rotation in the hospitals and fire stations. Okay with me. And I am glad to be in the night class because I have a terrible tendency to fall asleep after lunch.
Apparently my SIM card is too OLD for my phone so I have to get a new one...meaning that my phone will not be working anytime soon. And I am having trouble checking my messages. Now I need my bike in working order and to get a map of this place. Okay, easy does it and I love you.
Adriana Vanbianchi
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Made It!
Yes, after 5 hards days of driving, here is home for the year. It is the first day of the new year and it feels like a first day of a new endeavor. This makes sense, because it is. I am having trouble with my cell phone, so I am sorry that I haven't called anyone.
We arrived here two days early than planned after being turned South at the Minnesota boarder. After Snow, chains, avalanches, drifts, and snow plows, ice on the roads in Minnesota made the drive feel impossibly dangerous and long and instead of seeing John and Becca, we stayed at another Motel 8 in Sioux Falls...not even close to the same thing and I was super disappointed. From Sioux Falls, it was another long day of driving and we arrived here in St Louis around 8pm last night. Whew. Scout got introduced to the four dogs that live here and her anal glands and nervous energy stunk up the whole house. Justins family, including the dogs, are all so welcoming and it feels easy and good to be here. And I just want to be easy on myself. Allow myself to adjust and not take on too much...actually what I mean is; I want to not overwhelm myself with expectations for myself and negativity and break down in front of his family. There, it's out and that's the truth. And that is part of the reason for this blog. To be able to share what is happening with me, but have it be public enough that I won't want to focus on the negative and write like it's a personal diary. I am tricking myself into looking at the positive ha ha! And it is working so far. It's a good thing, not hard to do, but easy to forget when I feel overwhelmed.
I wish I could post some pictures from the road, and of where I am right now. I received a digi-cam for Christmas which is still en-route. All I had was a disposable camera on the road. So, pictures are forth-coming.
Get into Paramedic School (entrance exam is tomorrow, should be studying)
Do well in St Louis Marathon
Do well in Paramedic School
Stay Physically Strong
Focus on Positive
Write letters and stay in contact with friends and family
There are always more personal ones that I am working on year-round that mostly have to do with being kind to humanity and nature.
All right, take care and I hope you all had happy celebrations last night.
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