Friday, January 2, 2009


YES!  Wouldn't that have been just terrific if I hadn't.  Wow, this whole thing would have been a flop so it's really nice to have that out of the way there was a celebratory run and then I spent an hour picking up dog poop.  I am still super-positive about my decision to get Paramedic school and school starts Tuesday.  We both ended up in the night class; 5:30-10:00pm Tuesday and Thursday.  There is a policy that "acquaintances" cannot sit next to each other, or have the same rotation in the hospitals and fire stations.   Okay with me.  And I am glad to be in the night class because I have a terrible tendency to fall asleep after lunch.  
Apparently my SIM card is too OLD for my phone so I have to get a new one...meaning that my phone will not be working anytime soon.  And I am having trouble checking my messages.   Now I need my bike in working order and to get a map of this place.  Okay, easy does it and I love you.
Adriana Vanbianchi


  1. Wahoo! I knew that you would. Congrats to Porter too. You guys will be fine in the same class, no biggie. Plus, you can at least comment on your teachers together. When is the Slou marathon? And, are you giving pictures to Runner's World?

    LOve you, H

    PS Even if we are the only ones that read this, I am psyched!!! xoxoxoxo

  2. Hell yeah, glad to hear it is all working out as planned, miss you both already, just met back up with hank after being in tx, went for a run in FoPa, and still let scout know he won't stop howling for her... love you all,k

  3. Figured it out! I'm feeling better today. Jazzercise starts tomorrow, I sent an e mail to the burke museum to see if they need any skinners, and I ordered a GRE study book. Tomorrow It's off to Seattle to mix our Demo CD, create a Loud Girl fondue dinner (non of us have ever made it before) for Brendan and Alex, and then Blues dancing on Tuesday! I'm just trying to roll with the punches and take each as they come. I love you! Carmen
